Zigbee RF module, Price 19USD.
convert UART data into Zigbee wireless transmit

Auto network: all modules connect to network automaticly when power on. Data transmit between all modules in network. Easy use: just like control serial/uart.
USB base board 49USD Config: config the module by USB base board.
RS485 base board 49USD RS485: connect to RS485 network with RS485 base board.
RF module is standard pin 2.54,can put in experiment board to test.
RF module connect to MCU easily, support all 51, ARM, X86, MIPS....as long as MCU has serial port:
1, Input Voltage: DC 5V - 12V 2, Working Temperature: -40C - +85C 3, UART Rate: 38400bps(Default), can select 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 4, Frenquency: 2.4GHz 5. Transmiter Protocol: Zigbee 2007/PRO 6, Transmiter Distance: 400M 7, Send Current: 34MA (Max) 8, Receive Current: 25MA (Max) 9, Receive Sensitive: -96dBm 10, Main Chip: TI CC2530F256, 256K Flash, peal Zigbee 2007 protocl

Auto confi as Coordinator, Router and End Device. How to Create a Network when using Zigbee Module 1, Select a Coordinator, and connect it to PC COM port, like as COM4 2, Run the TI Sensor Monitor software and selec the right port as step 1 said. You can downloard this software from TI's website 3, Click the RUN, than you can see a Red circle, this is Coordinator 4, Select another End Device Zigbee Module, power on, and press the TEST key, than you can see another yellow circle, this is the End Device 5, Powe on anothe Router Module, the Router can send data also, you can see the blue circle indicate Router joined the network. 6, Power on others End Device Module and press the TEST Key, you can see others Module also join this network auto.

1,TI Sensor Monitor




Zigbee RS232 module board 49USD

Zigbee RS232 module in product case, 69USD

How to send and receive data at different zigbee point
When all the ZigBee Module created and joined the network, we can send and receive data between any point in the network, the are two different methods to send data, first is clarity transceive, second is point to point.
1, Trnasmiter data with clarity The data received from UART at Coordinator, will send to all point automatically. The data received from UART at any point, can send to coordinator automatically. Note: (1) The first data byte can't equal 0xFE, 0xFD and 0xFC (2) Per data package is fewer 32 Bytes. (3) When send data from Coordiantor, the time intervel is 1s.
2, Point to point send and receive data Only one instruction used to send data at point to point as: 0xFD + Data Length + Target Address + Data, as exsample, we will send data from one endpoint(short address is 0X7973) to another(short address is 0X1431) as follow picture:
If we want to send 10 Bytes data as 0x01, 0x02, x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x10.
Than we will send the package as follow to 0x7973 through UART: 0xFD, 0x0A, 0x31, 0x14, 0x01, 0x02, x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x10 0xFD = Data Send command 0x0A = data length, this 10 Bytes 0x31, 0x14 = the destination address 0x01, 0x02, x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x10 = data
And than, you can receive data from 0x1431 UART as: 0xFD, 0x0A, 0x31, 0x14, 0x01, 0x02, x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x10
The Setting for ZigBee Module:
All the data as follow is HEX format, and all setting will available after reset the module (1), Setting PAN ID (example: 0x20 10) Input: FC 02 91 01 XX XX (XX XX is new PAN ID, as 20 10) Return: XX XX (as 20 10) (2), Setting PAN ID to default value and clear the configure FLASH. Input: FC 00 91 02 Return: 19 9B (19 9B is default PAN ID) (3), Read PAN ID: Input: FC 00 91 03 Return: 19 9B (PAN ID) (4), Read Short Address for Module: Input: FC 00 91 04 Return: 6F 79 (address is 6F 79) (5), Read the UART brand rate: Input: FC 00 91 05 Return: B9 0B: 9600 BA 0B: 19200 BB 0B: 38400 BC 0B: 57600 BD 0B: 115200 (6), Setting the UART brand rate: Input: FC 01 91 06 01: Set to 9600 FC 01 91 06 02: Set to 19200 FC 01 91 06 03: Set to 38400 FC 01 91 06 04: Set to 57600 FC 01 91 06 05: Set to 115200 Return: 00 00 09 06 00 00 00 01 09 01 00 00 00 03 08 04 00 00 00 05 07 06 00 00 01 01 05 02 00 00 (7), Test the UART brand rate: Input: FC 00 91 07 Return: 01 02 03 04 05 (if the UART brand rate is correct)
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ODM/OEM Service
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